From left to right: 40 Wall Street, Empire State Building, Chrysler Building
Before there were the tall building of New York City the tallest structure in the world was The Eiffel Tower since 1886 standing at 1,063 feet tall.
It is not until the Art Deco period of the 1930s does New York architecture surpass the tower of France.
During my tour it is not uncommon for me to ask my groups if they know which of the three buildings, 40 Wall Street, Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, is the first one to surpass the Parisian edifice and in what order?
Do you think you know the answer?
While researching this bit of history, there are varying versions as it is known to some as ‘The Race to the Sky.’ I enjoyed the novel by Neal Bascomb called ‘Higher’ I found it so interesting as it was the height of the Great Depression when these buildings begin to become icons of this great city and the United States.
The competition was between the egos of the developers, Walter Chrysler, engineer and automobile manufacture hence the Chrysler Building and The Manhattan Company, headquarters for the Bank of Manhattan Trust Company, known by its address, 40 Wall Street.
Walter Chrysler joined forces with architect William Van Alen and 40 Wall Street, the architect Craig Severance. Van Alen and Severance had been partners for about ten years and they were getting critical acclaim for their work; however, the articles more times than not would begin “William Van Alen and Craig Severance,” yet Van Alen was getting the credit as a contemporary designer where as Severance more of a classicist. It caused a rift between they two and they severed their professional relationship by 1924. This fuels the fire for contemporary technology in architecture and the egos involved.
The Empire State Building jumped into the race backed by General Motors, a direct competitor to the Chrysler Corporation. Cars, cars, cars, and money drives the skyline of this city.
It is an epic story, it plays out in the court system, the newspapers, and the public as they witness these building climb higher, and higher a mantra by egos and fists beating table tops to go HIGHER.
Join me at One Token Tours to get the rest of the story. Stay tuned to learn which building is the first one.