Before 9/11, before the 80s, about the time that everyone owned a TV, the lights of The Great White Way, Broadway, they were fading. Live entertainment became the business of taping a variety show. New York City was no longer a destination.
It was more than a campaign.
It became a slogan!
It was a pro bono gig.
The genius of Milton Glaser along with Bobby Zarem volunteered their graphic design talents because they expected the campaign to last only a couple of months, waving the rights to royalties, and in hindsight the simple design is worth millions and more. The innovative pop-style icon became a major success.
1977 Deputy Commissioner Doyle, aware of the increase in crime and the welfare burden all of which reached a nadir in the city's fiscal crisis of the 1970s. New York City needed the revenue and ‘I (heart) NY,’ the logo, a rebus, became the icon, the pulse, the positive affirmation, the ID.
The simplicity is its beauty.
Everybody sing!
“If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere. Come on come through, New York, New York.”