Tour Service

* Comfort, Safety, the Quality of Experience, and the Spirit of Adventure! After all, "Time is Money" *

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What a peep show!

Careful, in New York there is more than one peep show in town; today, we are talking about the frills and the thrills of the Easter bonnet parade along 5th Avenue. The weather turned out to be a beautiful spring day, although the forecast called for rain. The blue skies, the perfect backdrop for the masses, the streets teeming with onlookers, gawkers, shutterbugs, and of course, bonnets, some modestly tasteful, and others costume productions!

I am not sure I could pick a favorite and therefore, I along with a couple hundred other people snapped pics, you can check them out on my facebook page, check'em out. Feel free to say hi during your visit.

With my appetite filled with pastels and marsh mellow peeps, my neighbor, wearing her black-and-white Peter Fox(.com) spectators - the perfect Easter shoe, we walked across town for a late brunch. We left the throngs of jubilant people behind and wound up in Hell's Kitchen, a great neighborhood for good eats. Something for you to consider, join One Token Tours next Easter and experience it for yourself. And while you are here you can ask me about Hell's Kitchen.

-Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

In NYC for Easter, Tell your peeps!

Within the streets of New York City there is a celebration of culture, of difference, as well as holiday; marching parades mark time, express vitality, define a season, and no where else like 5th Avenue on Easter Sunday can a bonnet be more than hat.

The Easter Parade is a New York tradition that dates back to the middle of the 1800s. The social elite would attend services at one of the 5th Avenue churches and parade their new fashions down the Avenue afterwards.

The less well to do would come to see the latest trends. Many handy seamstresses found inspiration for their client's wardrobes at the parade. It was a combination of religious services and haute couture in the days before TV, when only the wealthiest New Yorkers could attend fashion shows in Paris.

Today, the flamboyant headgear and costumes rival some of the most notorious NYC processionals in town!

If you know someone visiting Easter Weekend be sure to tell them to go to 5th Avenue near 52nd Street for a sensational spectacle!

"In your Easter bonnet,
with all the frills upon it,
You'll be the grandest lady
in the Easter parade!"