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Friday, August 19, 2011

The Sign of the Times

Parking can be a hassle in a high-rise community.

In 1897, the island of Manhattan could never compete on an international level as a major city. A small island, the land is finite. It was the shared New York harbor that provided a common territory, access, and later, the Greater New York City Area. The consolidation of 1898, January 1, the merging of the five boroughs; Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island, New York City became the largest city in the world, and with this parking can be a headache.

The hub of traffic and the dire of rush hour the streets of Manhattan are hustling, and bustling around the clock. The population continues to be the test bed for innovation, and implementation. Understand it wasn’t until 1915 that there was a concentration of automobiles that required a need for a traffic light. Red, green, and amber all mean go to a horse.

Since 1897, New York City has transitioned from coal burning locomotives to the electric Subway system with a most vigorous concern for noise and air pollution. As much as this city represents corporate America, this city adapts and applies. Parking in a city of 1.5 million inhabitants and an influx of twice that many people filling the streets during rush hour it seems only fitting that like our handheld devices there is now a docking station for what we call a ‘smart’ car. Can this possibly get us a step closer to the much-anticipated hovercraft?

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